I just finished first videoclip from Outskirt, and uploaded to my new Hox Vox Box channel on Youtube.
I've chosen Belief: Wrath because that anti-song (which I tag as "grindcore classical") was very apt to a sarcastic point of view about live concerts. I was always surprised how people are totally mad during them, but calm and serious just before and after. :-D
I mean, it's more noticeable than people disguised in carnival... seems like they were waiting for eons to give vent to their need of raising against normal boring lifestyle. It sound me as a clear pent-up driven expression.
While I respect it, I got the right to kid it. I used a mixed technique (die-cuts in the usual way but also 2D puppet which gives movements a gummy elasticity) so the result is very near to Terry Gilliam's (of Monthy Python) animations, it has the same "Max Ernst meets Tex Avery" taste.
Probably frenzy animation rhythm override music in itself, I mean it tends to steal the lead role; as the music is mechanical and obsessive, so it goes on the back. Not the steel snare, of course, it stick in your cranium as a nail. You can't forget it.
I think it's exactly what I wanted: a video not confortable, but funny all the same.
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