Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hox Vox Box: my new video channel on Youtube

As I was at the end of Belief: Wrath videoclip, I opened a Youtube channel, called Hox Vox Box (a little cacophonic, but very modular so I like it).

According to the name I created a logo, a carton box with some blue (my favorite color) stars coming out. I love ochre + warm blue (with a little % of yellow in it) pairing, so I didn't spend too much time searching for right colors. That's what I like in a solo project: nobody disagree :-D.

I'll use it like a TV channel logo, superimposing it in classical position - on the right corner down.

Now the page is a little basic, with a tiled background with the name of the channel, but I think few more will be done as YouTube pages' scheme is quite rigid, with few customization possibilities.
Seems like You can change box colors but not shapes, or put a texture behind a title area: just have a background, and not bigger than 256 KB).

Anyway, after a couple of days needed to make the channel start, now it's ready to fill with videos.

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