Saturday, January 17, 2009

HVB - Belief: Greed videoclip online

Belief: Greed videoclip is OK, I uploaded it in Youtube Hox Vox Box channel.

I worked on a video of mine which won a couple of animation contest prizes in first 90s, called "Peyote". The strange process was 1) clean the video like it was done nowadays 2) add animation part missing and create... an aged film aspect, like it was an old documentary film. :-D Seems strage but the real video damages were very bad, the computer-generated are somewhat pleasant, they look like vintage but without destroy too much the footage.

Plot is about a peyote experience by a late 60s hippie on mexican mesa. I think is a good companion for Belief: Greed, as song and images are both dealing with psychedelic (but song is more aptly tagged as avantprog/rock in opposition).

Thursday, January 15, 2009

HVB - Working on two new videoclips

In these days I'm doing a fierce battle with Garageband technicians to solve a problem about a double subscription. It was my fault, I made a mess between iLike and Garageband: didn't get I was wrong making artist page in iLike, and then another on Garageband...
I should do that ONLY on Garageband. Then iLike build automatically a copy of info and music. I'm upset but mostly with myself.

Back to my battle, they have only to change my definitive band account from Hox Vox 2 (temporary name to permit deletion of othe band account) to Hox Vox.
I can't submit songs to contests and radios as I don't want feed confusion. It's from December 12 I'm writing dozen of email, but delete a couple of letters from a name via database query seems a very hard chase to accomplish.

While I'm waiting for the miracle, I'm working on a couple of videoclips. The one for Belief: Greed is almost finished, maybe I'll close and upload tonight.

The other clip is for Thar Desert: I'm stuck with a missing camera cable, but I'm going to solve it this afternoon thanks to Cianoiz. Tomorrow morning I can work on that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

HVB - Belief: Wrath videoclip online

I just finished first videoclip from Outskirt, and uploaded to my new Hox Vox Box channel on Youtube.

I've chosen Belief: Wrath because that anti-song (which I tag as "grindcore classical") was very apt to a sarcastic point of view about live concerts. I was always surprised how people are totally mad during them, but calm and serious just before and after. :-D

I mean, it's more noticeable than people disguised in carnival... seems like they were waiting for eons to give vent to their need of raising against normal boring lifestyle. It sound me as a clear pent-up driven expression.

While I respect it, I got the right to kid it. I used a mixed technique (die-cuts in the usual way but also 2D puppet which gives movements a gummy elasticity) so the result is very near to Terry Gilliam's (of Monthy Python) animations, it has the same "Max Ernst meets Tex Avery" taste.

Probably frenzy animation rhythm override music in itself, I mean it tends to steal the lead role; as the music is mechanical and obsessive, so it goes on the back. Not the steel snare, of course, it stick in your cranium as a nail. You can't forget it.

I think it's exactly what I wanted: a video not confortable, but funny all the same.

Hox Vox Box: my new video channel on Youtube

As I was at the end of Belief: Wrath videoclip, I opened a Youtube channel, called Hox Vox Box (a little cacophonic, but very modular so I like it).

According to the name I created a logo, a carton box with some blue (my favorite color) stars coming out. I love ochre + warm blue (with a little % of yellow in it) pairing, so I didn't spend too much time searching for right colors. That's what I like in a solo project: nobody disagree :-D.

I'll use it like a TV channel logo, superimposing it in classical position - on the right corner down.

Now the page is a little basic, with a tiled background with the name of the channel, but I think few more will be done as YouTube pages' scheme is quite rigid, with few customization possibilities.
Seems like You can change box colors but not shapes, or put a texture behind a title area: just have a background, and not bigger than 256 KB).

Anyway, after a couple of days needed to make the channel start, now it's ready to fill with videos.