Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Marcel Duchamp, 2nd videoclip from Dada (Cabaret Voltaire)

Yes, second videoclip from Dada LP, this time for Marcel Duchamp. I built that track taking some interview parts I found on youtube and glitching/fatboyslimming 'em.

To make this videoclip, I sync/adapted original footage to track treatment, added some pics of Duchamp's most famous art pieces, plus a few small animations floating around to give a joyful mood (Duchamp was a provoking guy, needless to say), or sometimes underline his concepts.

I believe it's like a documentary in music, so I found it quite apt for his duty.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Apskaft's Battleship Potemkin is online

In Apskaft we decided one year ago to rebuild Battleship Potemkin soundtrack. Things floated in limbo until last autumn, when we reached to split movie in scenes - still not a real taxonomy :D, but enough to start - and random assign parts. I offered myself as video editor, so in end of october the project started, actually.

This is my part:

I finished to mount final movie on 13 february, and we uploaded it on Youtube (HD 1080p) and Internet Archive (640x360) the day after, so 14 february is the official release date.

We also released the album as usual on Last.FM and this time also on Internet Archive.